The honeymoon is over

… from It’s Over, Ralph -By Barbara Ehrenreich

[...] I’ve thrown my mighty weight behind Dennis Kucinich, who, unnoticed by the media, is still soldiering along on the campaign trail. In the event that he fails to get the Democratic nomination, I’ll have to consider my options.

Uh… what the hell?

What options are you considering? Badnarik? Nobody noticed Dennis Kucinich in the race in January, when he was maybe possibly in the race. I don’t know what race he’s running now but I don’t know what difference it makes that he’s still giving speeches.

Look, I voted for Ralph Nader in 2000 too. I’m really unhappy with myself for having done it, though I always console myself with the fact that I lived in CA. I wish I’d voted for and donated to Al Gore. But look, bygones are bygones. Can we just stand up, admit we were wrong, and MoveOn? The democratic party needs the left, but really, if you don’t want to be toiling in the salt mines in 20 years, you need the democratic party. It’s time to get on the bus, Mrs. Ehrenreich.

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One Response to The honeymoon is over

  1. Danny Howard says:

    What’s to be unhappy about voting for Nader in 2000? If he’s the guy you want, you vote for him .. if John Kerry doesn’t really do it for you, but Nader does … nothing wrong with that.

    I voted for Nader is 2000 as well. I don’t feel bad about it. I could potentially vote for him again, but I am looking forward to the Democrats representing themselves as something more intersting than “not George Bush” … I believe the competitive primary and the Howard Dean thing may have left them thinking, and we should see a slightly interesting platform … then I can vote for Kerry and feel good about that.

    Yes, George Bush is evil and he must be stopped, but those of us who do not live in swing states have the luxury of voting for the guy that best expresses our beliefs.