Monthly Archives: September 2006

White House: Iraq is bad for War On Terror “[The National Intelligence Estimate] assesses that a variety of factors, in addition to Iraq, fuel the spread of jihadism”

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Javascript IDE

Jon Henning points out Aptana, which looks to be a pretty slick, free, javascript IDE. Definately on my list of things to check out.

Posted in tech | Leave a comment

WordPress + Atom 1.0

Atom is better than RSS. Much much better. WordPress, however, only supports the sucky old deprecated Atom 0.3. So, you should use this plugin to change your wordpress blog to serve up only Atom 1.0 (and no RSS whatsoever). It’s … Continue reading

Posted in meta, tech | Leave a comment

Fuck the NCAA?

Ok, I call shenanigans.

Posted in baseball, football, sports | 4 Comments