Monthly Archives: April 2004


Dave’s link generator What Link? Once upon a time, I wrote a very short perl CGI script. It’s the only publicly successful piece of perl I’ve ever written. Its purpose is simple — paste a multiline link that’s been mangled … Continue reading

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too many shiny things! Must not try to look at all of them at once, get crosseyed. Er, sorry, trying to rewrite a lowend content management system in clearsilver/C….

Posted in tech | 1 Comment

What's a jew?

how about a nice encyclopedic definition of the term Jew. via Dave Dribin

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“His primary focus was to drag us into a war that [Bill] Clinton didn’t want to fight.” Whitley Bruner, ex-CIA, on Ahmad Chalabi… Oh, Clinton didn’t want to invade Iraq? [Are you sure? Can’t you parse statement he made to … Continue reading

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Clarke vs. Mylroie

As reported by Jason Vest in the Village Voice (Nov 27, 2001): “According to intelligence and diplomatic sources, Powell&em;as well as George Tenet&em;was infuriated by a private intelligence endeavor arranged by Wolfowitz in September. Apparen tly obsessed with proving a … Continue reading

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